Event ID - 150

Event Id150
DescriptionThe DNS server could not load or initialize the plug-in DLL %1. The event data is the error code returned by the plug-in DLL load or initialization attempt. Please correct the plug-in error that is causing this condition or remove the plug-in from the DNS server configuration.
Event Information"According to Microsoft :
Cause :
This event is logged when DNS server could not load or initialize the plug-in DLL.
Resolution :
Correct the plug-in problem
The event data is the error code that is returned by the plug-in dynamic-link library (DLL) load or initialization attempt. Correct the plug-in error or use the dnscmd /Config /ServerLevelPluginDLL command to remove the plug-in from the DNS server configuration.
To perform this procedure, you must have membership in Administrators, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority.
To remove a plug-in DLL:
1.On the DNS server, open a command prompt. To open an elevated Command Prompt window, click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.
2.Type the following command, and then press ENTER: dnscmd /Config /ServerLevelPluginDLL.
To verify that the Domain Name System (DNS) configuration is correct, verify that all configuration settings are correct, check the event log for events that indicate continuing problems, and then verify that DNS client computers are able to resolve names properly.
To verify DNS configuration settings:
1.On the DNS server, start Server Manager. To start Server Manager, click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager.
2.In the console tree, double-click Roles, double-click DNS Server, and then double-click DNS.
3.Right-click the DNS server, and then click Properties.
4.Review the settings on each tab, and verify that they contain the intended values.
5.Expand the DNS server.
6.Expand a zone folder, right-click a zone, and then click Properties.
7.Review the settings on each tab, and verify that they contain the intended values.
8.Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each zone.
To verify that DNS client computers can resolve names properly:
1.On a DNS client computer, open a command prompt. To open a command prompt, click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
2. At the command prompt, type pinghostname (where hostname is the DNS name of a computer with a known IP address), and then press ENTER.
If the client can resolve the name, the ping command responds with the following message:
Pinging hostname [ip_address]
Note: The name resolution is successful even if the ping command reports that the destination is unreachable.
If the client cannot resolve the name, the ping command responds with the following message:
Ping request could not find host hostname "
Reference LinksEvent ID 150 from Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Server-Service

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