Event ID - 140

Event Id140
DescriptionDNS Server could not initialize RPC. The data is the error.
Event InformationThe DNS server could not initialize the remote procedure call (RPC) service. If it is not running, start the RPC service or reboot the computer. The event data is the error code.USER ACTION:
Determine which of the two machines was disconnected from the forest and is now out of date. You have three options:
1. Demote or reinstall the machine(s) that were disconnected.
2. Use the "repadmin /removelingeringobjects" tool to remove inconsistent deleted objects and then resume replication.
3. Resume replication. Inconsistent deleted objects may be introduced. You can continue replication by using the following registry key. Once the systems replicate once, it is recommended that you remove the key to reinstate the protection.
Reference LinksDNS Event IDs 1 Through 1657 for Windows NT 4.0 SP4

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