Port No | 1005 |
Service Name | PEST |
RFC Doc | 0 |
Protocol | TCP |
Description | This nondestructive virus infects EXE files in the %windows% and %system% directories. %windows% is usually the C:\Windows directory and %system%is usually the C:\Windows\System directory |
Reference Link | PEST |
Attack | Solution: Click Start>Run, type Regedit then hit the Enter key. In the left panel, double click the following: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>Software>CLASSES>exefile >shell>open>command In the right panel, right click this registry value and then modify the data, "C:\Windows\System\Win32.Pest.exeâ€â€%1â€%*†with this: {Default} “â€%1â€%*†Scan your system with Trend Micro antivirus. Delete all files detected as PE_PEST.A. To do this Trend Micro customers must download the latest pattern file and scan their system. Other email users may use HouseCall |
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