Event Id | 8015 |
Source | BROWSER |
Description | The browser has forced an election on network \Device\NetBT_El90x1 because a Windows NT Server (or domain master) browser is started. |
Event Information | CAUSE : This problem can occur if the hidden administrative shares have been disabled on the computer running Windows NT Server. RESOLUTION : To resolve this problem, re-enable the hidden administrative shares. To do so: Start REGEDT32 and select the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters Change the value of AutoShareServer from 0 to 1. Exit REGEDT32 and restart the computer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This message is from news group may help you: If you administer a large network and you receive lots of election events, you may judge that this can degrade network performance. You can avoid election initiations by clients (for example, NT Workstation / Win2000 Professional users) by setting the following key to 0 (zero) in the registry: HKLM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Browser\Parameters\MaintainServerList.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a perfectly normal message if a domain controller was started/rebooted. When is caused by a member server or a workstation it is not normal. I would recommend having only 2 computers with the Computer Browser service running for each network segment, domain controllers if exists or member servers. There is no reason to have all Windows machines with Computer Browser service started. |
Reference Links | Windows 95/98 Server Tools Do Not Show Complete Event ID Descriptions |
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