Event Id | 21200 |
Source | ISA Server NNTP Filter |
Description | ISA Server report or log summary generator reached the resource limit when generating the summary for the period: %1 - %2. A report generated for this date may include inaccurate information. |
Event Information |
According to Microsoft : CAUSE : This alert indicates a possible attack on your ISA Server computer. Processing the log file while under such an attack may cause the log summary generator to consume an excessive amount of memory resources. For best security practice, the amount of memory resources the log summary generator may consume is limited. The amount of memory consumed depends both on the size and the content of the log files. SOLUTION : If you have a strong computer that can handle larger amounts of memory consumption, you can increase the amount of memory consumption available by configuring the registry key "NumOfEntriesMultiplicationFactor". Changing this key to 2 will allocate 2-times the amount of memory, setting it to 4 allocates 4-times the amount, and so on. This key is of the DWORD type and should be located inHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fpc\Reports.Note: The amount of memory consumption allowed can be decreased by using the registry key "NumOfEntriesDivisionFactor". |
Reference Links | Event ID: 21200 Of Source ID: ISA Server NNTP Filter |
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