Event Id | 21115 |
Source | ISA Server H.323 Filter |
Description | Network adapter '%1' is configured with several IP addresses that belong to several networks. This is an illegal configuration, and this network adapter cannot be used for Network Load Balancing. |
Event Information | According To Microsoft: The Firewall service may encounter the illegal configuration describe for one of the following reasons: An adapter is configured to use several IP addresses and no all of the addresses belong to the same ISA network.There is a network problem which caused the network interface to receive the IP address which is naturally doesn???t belong to the same network as the other addresses configured on the network interface. Resolution: Change the IP addresses of the network adapter so that all of the addresses configured on this adapter belong to the same network.Change the network addresses, so that all the IP addresses for each adapter are on the same network.Check that no adapter has an IP address set to that no adapters have conflicting IP addresses. For more information about NLB, see the Network Load Balancing topic in ISA Server Help. |
Reference Links | Microsoft product: Internet Security and Acceleration Server Version: 4.0.3443.594 Event Source: ISA Server H.323 Filter Event ID: 21115 |
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