Event Id | 14200 |
Source | ISA Server NNTP Filter |
Description | ISA Server failed to establish an SSL connection with 1. 2 |
Event Information | According To Microsoft: If this event happens for each connection, there may be a problem with the published site, or with the SSL certificate installed on published site. Otherwise, this event may indicate a heavy load on the published site. Resolution: Use a connectivity verifier to validate connectivity with the published site. To do this, in the console tree of ISA Server Management, click Monitoring. In the details pane, click the Connectivity tab. On the Tasks tab, click Create New Connectivity Verifier.Verify that a valid SSL certificate exists on the target computer.Retry the connection. |
Reference Links | Microsoft product: Internet Security and Acceleration Server Version: 4.0.3443.594 Event Source: ISA Server NNTP Filter Event ID: 14200 |
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