The EventTracker Knowledgebase is the largest searchable repository for detailed
information about event logs generated by Windows/*nix/Cisco (syslog), Antivirus,
Veritas, OpenManage, VMWARE, and more.
A common first step in diagnosing system problems in the modern backoffice, is to
identify events emitted by the system(s) in question and examining them for clues
to resolution. However, event descriptions are often cryptic and provide little
help to the System Administrator. EventTracker KB has been designed to help by gathering
all available information on events including a verbose description, resolution
information and links to helpful articles and other knowledgebases from vendors.
In order to search the database, you just have to know something, anything, about
the event: a portion of the description, the event id or the event source.
Access to the full event description and resolution requires free registration to
EventTracker KB is provided free of charge by EventTracker Security LLC as part of a corporate
initiative to help the IT community better leverage log data. The Knowledgebase
is continually managed and updated by a dedicated team of IT specialists. We encourage
the IT community to contribute to the Knowledgebase
by providing new event id definitions and resolutions as well as requesting our
specialists to research event ids not already catalogued.